Monday, June 8, 2009

The Aftermath of Bead and Button

I went to my yearly migration to the Bead and Button Show in Milwaukee this weekend. I came back with new and delightful things. I found beautiful but expensive bling balls, tiny 6mm beads, interwoven with Aurora Borealis stones, that glitter and gleam, and woven wire, by my favorite wire people,

Parawire provided me a piece of the jewelry puzzle, a woven wire chain, made of the same beautiful wire that I use every day. So it matches, fits right in. The combination cannot be beat.

So, here is a Grand Dutchess, larger than a regular Dutchess, but better, so a Grand Dutchess is appropriate. Let me know what you think...I know you're going to love it.


  1. HI! Your work is lovely! I admire all this wire weaving and wrapping. I wondered if you offer classes on this kind of work? I would be very interested. Thanks. QT

  2. I have set up my studio, so that if someone wanted to visit, they are most welcome. I work best, one on one, because there are so many nuances to the type of work I do. I am in Illinois, outside of Chicago. Are you local?

  3. I wish I was local. I'd love to be able to do this 1/4 as well as you, but I know I'd have to learn to do it well. I love wire wrapping, but this is amazing.

  4. The further I scroll down, the lower my jaw drops. It would be splendid to see a clip of something like this being made; I haven't seen anything else quite like it.
